Aman Gupta
Aman is a PhD student in my group.
Aman is a PhD student in my group.
Kevin is a PhD student in my group.
Postdoctoral Research Scientist, 2014-2016.
Official Version to appear
Official Version to appear.
The transport of trace gases through the stratosphere impacts surface climate. Small changes in stratospheric water vapor, on the order of one part per million, can impact surface temperature by as much as a tenth of a degree. A sudden drop in stratospheric water vapor of this magnitude – a response to internal variability of the atmosphere – was observed in 2000. Chemistry climate model simulations of stratospheric ozone also depend critically on the transport of ozone and ozone depleting substances, and biases in transport are a leading source of uncertainty in the recovery of stratospheric ozone. Volcanic aerosols (and the possibility of injecting sulfur into the stratosphere for climate intervention) provides another example of the importance of stratospheric tracer transport for the climate at the surface.
The annular modes of the extratropical atmosphere have received much attention for quantifying and predicting variability of the jet streams and storm tracks, despite the limited zonal coherence of midlatitude variability. In the tropics, annular Huctuations of the circulation have not been investigated, despite the comparative dominance of zonal-mean variations in this region, associated with weak temperature gradients at low latitudes.
This is my first ever virtual colloquium visit. From the comforts of my own office, I’ll present my talk over the internet, coupled with a day of virtual meetings with students, postdocs, and faculty. The goal is to reduce our CO2 footprint – something our field should mindful of more than any other – but it will also help reduce the “family footprint”, i.e. the impact on spouses left to deal with kids who tend to get sick this time of year. Ugh. Only catch is that the seminar is 3:30 pm on a Friday, Pacific time!
Postponed due to COVID-19.
A virtual visit to Korea, giving me the chance to speak into the future. My talk will be Thursday 8 October at 9 am for the audience, 8 pm on Wednesday for me!
A virtual visit to Israel…
A virtual presentation this year. A pre-recorded talk plus 4 minutes of discussion at 11:30 pm, EST. O brave new world, with such meetings in it!
A virtual visit to London…
This virtual conference was organized by the newly minted Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation.
I finally made it to Harvard, in spirit if not in person. A virtual visit, but quite productive!
An outreach seminar directed at NYU undergraduates interested in applied mathematics and climate science.
I attended this meeting virtually, actually tuning in from three different locations. In a classic, left hand doesn’t know what the right is doing, I managed to schedule our moving date to Berlin to coincide with my talk! It only worked out in the end because our sessions were in the late afternoon in Pittsburgh, so I could join our sessions at 10 pm. It started on the last day of our vacation in Tuscany, then I was in Bayreuth for the second day, as we paused on our drive across Europe, reaching Berlin for the final day of the symposium when I gave my talk!
My first in person meeting since AGU 2019! The Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach is a wonderful mathematics retreat center, library, and research institute tucked away in the Schwarzwald (Black Forest).
Here’s the poster.
My first in-person seminar since April 2019!
The first stop on my 2022-3 tour of Germany.
A seminar and visit to meet with collaborators in Frankfurt.
A talk down south while I’m meeting with colleagues at LMU and DLR.
A talk and opportunity to meet with more collaborators on our DataWave project.
Another talk while in town, and opportunity to meet with collaborators on the Isca Modeling Hierarchy, and see my PhD advisor.
A ‘solicited’ talk at the 2023 EGU Meeting at a session on the middle atmosphere. Hmm, sounds a bit sketchy in American English, where solicited usually comes up in a legal context! I’m taking it as an opportunity to show Justin Finkel’s methods to extract climatological statistics from S2S data. This is joint work with Dorian S. Abbot and Jonathon Weare.
A contributed talk at the 2023 EGU Meeting at a session on dynamics and predictability on subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) time scales. I’m presenting work led by my former postdoc, Madeleine Youngs, in collaboration with my colleague Olivier Pauluis.
A short tour of Schweiz, beginning at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich!
The colloquium in Climatology, Climate Impact and Remote Sensing at the Universität Bern is another opportunity to show Justin Finkel’s methods to extract climatological statistics from S2S data. This is joint work with Dorian S. Abbot and Jonathon Weare.
The third and final stop on my tour of Suisse, catching a bit of the French speaking part!
I presented Justin Finkel’s methods to extract climatological statistics from S2S data at the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD). It’s joint work with Dorian S. Abbot and Jonathon Weare.
A second stop on my short Tour de France.
I’ll be presenting Justin Finkel’s methods to extract climatological statistics from S2S data at the KlimaCampus Colloquium, a joint seminar series between the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology and the University of Hamburg. This is joint work with Dorian S. Abbot and Jonathon Weare.
I’ll be presenting Justin Finkel’s methods to extract climatological statistics from S2S data at the physics department colloquium, rounding out my series of visits to LMU and DLR over my sabbatical. This is joint work with Dorian S. Abbot and Jonathon Weare.
To round out my sabbatical, an invited talk at the 2023 International Union of Geodosy and Geophysics General Assembly. Fitting that the meeting is in Berlin! As in Vienna, I’m taking it as an opportunity to show Justin Finkel’s methods to extract climatological statistics from S2S data to an audience of atmospheric scientists. This is joint work with Dorian S. Abbot and Jonathon Weare.
I gave this talk in place of Ofer Shamir, who had just been traveling to another meeting in Wien.
First Year Seminar, Fall, 2018
Thursdays, 2:00-4:30, Warren Weaver Hall 1314
Office Hours: Wednesday 2-3 pm and Thursday 1-2 pm, Warren Weaver Hall 911
MATH-UA 228 / ENVST-UA 360, Spring, 2019
Lectures: Monday and Wednesday, 9:30-10:45, Warren Weaver Hall 312
Laboratory: Friday, 9:30-10:45, Warren Weaver Hall 517
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 11-12, Warren Weaver Hall 911
First Year Seminar, Fall, 2019
Thursdays, 2:00-4:30, Warren Weaver Hall 1314
Office Hours: Wednesday 2-3 pm and Thursday 1-2 pm, Warren Weaver Hall 911
MATH-GA 3004, Spring, 2020
Lectures: Tuesday 1:25-3:15 pm, Warren Weaver Hall 512
Office Hours: Tuesday 3:30-4:30 and Wednesday 2:30-3:30, Warren Weaver Hall 911
MATH-UA 262, Fall, 2020
Lectures: Monday and Wednesday 2:00-3:15 pm, online
Office Hours: Tuesday 2:00-3:00 pm and Wednesday 8:30-9:30 pm, online
MATH-GA 3011, Spring, 2021
Lectures: Thusday 9:00 - 10:50 am Eastern Time (New York) on Zoom.
Office Hours: By appointment
MATH-UA 262, Fall, 2021
Lectures: Monday and Wednesday 2:00-3:15 pm, Kimmel 914
Office Hours: Monday and Tuesday 3:30-4:30 pm, Warren Weaver 911
MATH-UA 262, Spring, 2022
Lectures: Monday and Wednesday 9:30-10:45 pm, Warren Weaver 512
Office Hours: Monday 1:30-20:30 pm and Wednesday 11:00 am - 12:00 noon (Virtual)
MATH-UA 262, Fall, 2023
Lectures: Monday and Wednesday 2:00-3:15 pm, Warren Weaver 102
Office Hours: Monday and Tuesday 3:30-4:30 pm, Warren Weaver 911
MATH-GA 3004, Spring, 2024
Lectures: Tuesday and Thursday 3:30-4:45 pm, Warren Weaver Hall 517
Office Hours: Friday 10:00-12:00, Warren Weaver Hall 911