Papers in print and press
Our review article on Sudden Stratospheric Warmings, led by Mark Baldwin and Blanca Ayarzuguena, was just accepted for publication in Reviews in Geophysics. We’ve learned a great deal about “explosionartigen Stratosphärenerwärmungen” since they were first discovered by Prof. Dr. Scherhag almost 70 years ago!
I continue to struggle with the kids at home, and failed to report that two papers have come out in print over the last months: Numerical impacts on tracer transport: A proposed intercomparison test of Atmospheric General Circulation Models and Downward migration of the zonal-mean circulation in the tropical atmosphere.
Teaching a new class (and trying to make it work online) while the kids school from home has been a challenge. With the end of the semester now in sight, it’s a matter of surviving the next month and regrouping in the new year. Three papers are in the works … stay tuned!